Nyt hakkaa pumppu! Perkele! Ruokin hämähäkit ja virheellisesti katsoin, että Osmo (H. maculata) on makoilemassa maassa. Avasin purkin kannen ja samassa sinkosi hämähäkki kädelleni ja teki hypyn olohuoneen pöydälleni. Oli pirulainen ilmeisesti aivan purkin kannen alla ja oven avautuessa vapauteen teki hämis siirtonsa. Onneksi ei purrut vaan juoksi pienen matkan rannettani pitkin ja hyppäsi pöydälle. Otus jähmettyi onnekseni paikalleen ja veti jalkansa "pään" yli piiloutuakseen. Nopeasti pakasterasia kätösiin ja Osmo turvallisesti takaisin vankeuteen. Mitä opimme tästä? Täytyy näköjään tarkistaa satavarmasti, ettei otus ole todellakaan kiipeilemässä katonrajassa kun meinaa ruokaa antaa. Niin livakasti kyllä tuli asumuksestaan ulos, ettei kerennyt mitään tekemään. Kädet vapisevat vieläkin. Huh huh sentään!

Niin. Kävin tuon tapauksen jälkeen lukemassa arachnoboardsin sivuilta H. maculatan puremaraportteja ja ei kuulosta kovin mukavalle. Lainaan suoraan arachnoboardsilta Steven kirjoittamaa raporttia. Lontoota ymmärtävät saavat kuvaa pureman seurauksista. Tässä siis Steven raportti:

"Well, i'm fine now besides various aches and pains, I'll let you guys know what happend then i'll post a bite report.

Anyway, the bite happened at 8:30 pm. I was taking a roach out and for once wasn't paying any attention to the spider which was at the top of the cage. While in the process of getting the lobster roach out it fell off the top of the cage on my hand and it ran off. Wasn't sure if it bit me or not, so I got the roach out after a few more minutes.

9:00pm. I'm feeling pains in my hand, and my fingertips are tinglng. It hurts alittle but not bad or anything.

10:00pm. The pain in my fingers and hand is gone, I thought everything was over.

12:10am. I was on the computer, at arachnopets.com and all of a sudden my eyes got blurry and my heart started beating very very hard and fast. I thought it was going to pop, it was amazing really.

1:00am. (At the hospital)I'm feeling pains in my head, feels like the veins are pulsating, like they are beating too hard for them to be able to handle, like a pressure type of hurt. It spread from the back of my head around to my temples.

1:30am. Talking to the nurses and one didn't like this type of stuff but was very interested, one was afraid of anything that crawles, and one was from arizona and was used to scorpians(a little off track I know).

2:53am. The doctor called us back, he said tarantulas aren't very venomous and the bites are nothing to worry about (Then I told him what I knew about Poecilotheria and Stromatopelma, aparently Heteroscodra has similar affects to Stromatopelma) he shrugged it off and mentioned histamine (well, I did as he was talking slow so I finished his sentence). He wrote me off and sent me home.

3:30am. Back at home. The pains are virtually gone.

11:30pm. next day. My index finger on my left hand is very sore(I wonder why?).

Thats about it.

It only must have bit me in a fraction of a sec. and the effects were pretty bad. I don't want to think about a 6in. H. maculata holding on! Apparently you can't be allergic until you get bit before and the histamine weakins your system. I just see it as a learning experience . I think I should note that despite my parents yelling their asses off at midnight I did stay calm through the whole experience. I'm 6'2" and 150 lbs.


Joo. Ei, minä en todellakaan halua, että mikään kahdeksanjalkainen pääsee rokottamaan minua! Rauhallisia unia odotellessa. :)

-Paha "vapinaaaatärinäää" Vaatturi-